© Maria Falconer
iWitness & F.E.A.R
Solo af Vincent Thomas & duo med Vincent Thomas og Annika B. Lewis
Dans og ballet - Moderne dans
Arrangør: Dansehallerne
Producent: VC Dance
Co-producent: Dansehallerne

iWitness & F.E.A.R

Solo af Vincent Thomas & duo med Vincent Thomas og Annika B. Lewis

Vincent E. Thomas/VTDance contemplates acts of humanity in the deeply moving, multi-layered work- iWitness. “I Pledge” explores simple truths in human behaviors and implied truths in human documents. “Render & Proceed” investigates the convolution of media and its impact on the human spirit. “Come Change” considers the past and present for a hopeful tomorrow. iWitness is the solo work based on the award-winning, evening length- Witness. Witness was commissioned by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts as part of 2008 Performing Arts for Everyone and the Millennium Stage.

Medvirkende (2):
Vincent Thomas, Annika B. Lewis

Spilleperiode: 15. januar 2016 - 16. januar 2016 - Repremiere

Antal opførelser: 2

Målgruppe: Ung- og voksenforestilling
Varighed: 1 time

Sæson: 2015-16

Type: Stationær produktion, Eget stationært arrangement


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