Grundlagt: 01-03-1998
Public Eye is a platform for collaboration between artists from different disciplines, cultures and communities. The types of projects to be developed are set up in collaboration with the artists suggestions directed by Sara Gebran. The company produces 2 kinds of projects: artistic Platforms done with communities, as well as stage presentations within the style of Performing Arts. In 2008, Sara initiated a ‘platform’ of works called "Vertical Exile" to share and stimulate creativity within the communities of different cities in the world, those living in the ‘periphery’: refugees, suburbs immigrants and regular citizens, as simultaneously focus on the incorporation of the urban space, on how to re-gain our civil rights to appropriate its use and find ways of canalizing social needs through art. The project was first defined by Anders Paulin and Sara Gebran for refugee camps in the West Bank in 2009, Called "Vertical Exile-West Bank 09" and later on Sara continued its applications in Denmark and Sweden as ’Vertical Exile-Copenhagen 09’ & ’Vertical Exile-Botkyrka/Stockholm10’. In 2010 and 2011 it transform into the projects "Vertical Gardening’10" & "Vertical Gardening/The Carpet’11", done in the refugee camp of Jalazoun and the village of Dura Al Kara, using planting on roof top as a strategy to create meeting points and develop a social, cultural and economical space (see more at www.public-e.dk)
Public Eye modtager:
Tilskud fra offentlige fonde
Tilskud fra private fonde
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